Daycares are trusted by many individuals to care for and look after their children. Unfortunately, some daycares are not trustworthy. Daycare negligence and abuse are two of the most reprehensible things imaginable for a parent who has put their trust in this facility. Continue reading to discover signs of daycare neglect and abuse and how to take legal action against a negligent daycare on behalf of your child. Reach out to our experienced personal injury attorney who can walk you through the legal process ahead.
Should I sign a daycare liability clause?
A daycare liability clause is a document that many daycares require for parents to sign. This is typically used to waive your right to sue the daycare, should your child be harmed under their care. Many unsuspecting parents will sign this document without this knowledge. It is important to note that there are ways to hold a daycare liable for any harm done to your child if you have signed the document or not. This can be done with the assistance of an experienced personal injury attorney.
What are some signs of daycare neglect or abuse?
If you believe your child is being harmed while at daycare, some of the most common signs of neglect or abuse at daycare to be alert for include the following:
- Your child complains that they are hungry or thirsty when they return home. Your child unexpectedly loses weight. This may indicate that the daycare has malnourished your child.
- Rusty playground equipment, broken glass, or any other safety hazards outdoors present serious risks.
- Failing to put away cleaning products, office supplies, such as paper clips or staplers, and more that are choking hazards or toxic risks to children. Daycares are responsible for ensuring they put away all things that may present hazards to children.
How can I take legal action against a negligent daycare on behalf of my child?
You are likely entitled to compensation if you believe that your child has been harmed due to neglect or abuse at a daycare. The first step you should take if you believe your child is being abused or neglected is to collect as much evidence as you can regarding the harm. This should include pictures and videos of the unsafe conditions that caused your child’s harm. Next, you should retain the services of an experienced personal injury attorney who will help you seek the financial compensation you and your family deserve. To begin this process today reach out to our firm to discuss our services and to begin the legal process.
Contact our experienced Maryland firm
If you are injured due to another party’s negligence, you must reach out to one of our knowledgeable attorneys. At Timian & Fawcett, LLC, we provide effective legal services to clients in Prince George’s County, Washington, D.C., and all of Maryland. Our firm is dedicated to assisting our clients. If you need our help, we are ready to serve. Contact Timian & Fawcett, LLC.